
America the Broken

Dear America (the country),

What happened to you?

You used to be this beautiful shining star but your light has dimmed and parts of you, quite a lot of you actually have gone dull.

You were supportive of so many as I grew up, showing us wonders and telling us we could do whatever we could dream once we got old enough, got enough schooling and just plain tried. But now you’re turning your back on over 168 million of the people who call you home. And what about the 7.1% of the people who are finally free to truly express who they really are with joy and less fear then ever before? We still have a lot of work to be done for more than two-fifths of your people, and I thought we were going in the correct direction.

But you’re now going backwards. You’re now hurting more than you help. Why? What has made you change to hate so many for no reasonable reason?

Why does the hurting of people make so many stand on their feet and cheer? While they are in the halls that had been created to making things better? How is this better?! How is telling someone what they are allowed to do with their own body a good thing?

Have you become so delusional that you have forgotten how you came about to even exist? Have you, a country so filled with a rich and horrible history actually forgotten that very history? Or as a people are we just forever doomed to ruin by being forced to believe in other peoples delusions? Always forced to do things we either do not personally believe or just plain are not up to doing?

What changed? Or was I just always so blinded as a child, so drunk off the kool-aid that I just didn’t see the truth until I got older and tried to be what I dreamed, tried to get the schooling required and just kept trying.

I am scared.

Of you. My home, sweet home.

You have become so toxic. So hurtful. I can’t even stand to be near you. I am constantly in pain when I listen, watch and read about you. Of the things that is happening. Of the horribleness that is churning in your borders and in the hearts of so many old people who are somehow still dictating your accomplishments, or in reality the lack thereof.

How did you get here?

How do you go back to being the home that I love. The home I’d stand beside and help guide? The home I was once foolish enough to believe would always better itself.

November is coming.

I cannot forget come November that you are toxic. I need to do everything I can to change that. I am suppose to help make you better. I am not the only one. But it feels like I am.

I am not the only one who is scared. But I need to help change that. I can’t keep going like this. So many of us can’t. We need to do better.

Let’s do better.

My regards,


Categories: America, Emotional, Health, Heartbreak, History, United States | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment



Note: This is not written by me, Angel at all. I found this and 100% support every word. And if you are highly insulted or strangely disturbed by swearing, which is in no way a measure of a person’s intelligence, then you’ll want to skip this. It is a hilarious take on what so many Americans feel but are just too *insert adjective or verb* to finally say it. Soon, no one will be scared or shy to start saying this out loud in any form as people continue to refuse to get vaccinated OR wear a mask. There is a lot of articles out there, I believe, that shows people are getting really frustrated at their fellow humans not wearing masks or getting vaccinated. The original post on can be found here.

Hi, if you are reading this essay then congratulations, you are still alive. And if you are alive, then you have either gotten the COVID-19 vaccine, or you still have the opportunity to get the vaccine against COVID-19. And holy fuck, if you aren’t fucking vaccinated against COVID-19, then you need to get fucking vaccinated right now. I mean, what the fuck? Fuck you. Get vaccinated. Fuck.

The fucking vaccine will not make you magnetic. Are you fucking kidding me? It just fucking won’t. That’s not even a fucking thing, and that lady who tried to pretend the vaccine made her fucking magnetic looked like a real fucking fuckwad and a fucking idiot, so get fucking vaccinated. Jesus. Fuck.

The vaccine also doesn’t have a fucking 5G chip in it. What the fuck do you think a fucking 5G chip is, fucknuts? You think it’s like some invisible nanotechnology they can suspend in a liquid and then just put in your fucking blood and then it what, exactly? Fucking floats around in your body going on Instagram and telling the government you went to the grocery store? No one fucking cares where you go, you absolute fucking fuck-barf. Fuck off with that. Fuck.

Oh, you’re afraid of fucking side effects? Fuck you. You know what has fucking side effects? Fucking aspirin, fucking Tylenol. You could be fucking allergic to pineapple, you fucking fuckwit. Everything has side effects. You’re being a big fucking baby with a huge diaper full of fucking diarrhea, complaining about maybe feeling slightly tired for a day or two while your asymptomatic COVID case you get and pass to some innocent fucking kid could wind up killing them or someone else. Fuck you, you fucking selfish fucking shit-banana, you unredeemable ass-caterpillar, you fucking fuck-knob with two fucks for eyes and a literal poop where your heart should be. You want a two-month-old to wind up on a fucking ventilator instead of you, a fucking adult, getting a fucking sore arm for a day? What are you, a pitcher for the Yankees? A fucking concert pianist? An arm model? Get the fuck out of here! Fuck you. Get vaccinated. Fuck. Fuck you!

You think vaccines don’t fucking work? Oh, fuck off into the trash, you attention-seeking fuckworm-faced shitbutt. This isn’t even a point worth discussing, you fuck-o-rama fuck-stival of ignorance. Vaccines got rid of smallpox and polio and all the other disgusting diseases that used to kill off little fucks like you en masse. Your relatives got fucking vaccinated and let you live, and now here you are signing up to be killed by a fucking disease against which there is a ninety-nine-percent effective vaccine. You fucking moron. Go in the fucking ocean and fuck a piranha. Fuck. Fuck that. Fuck you. Get vaccinated.

Oh, you say you have a genuine allergy or medical condition that prevents you from receiving a fucking vaccine? That’s fine. I’m clearly not talking to you. I fucking love you. Fuck.

Look, if you have been forwarded this essay from a friend or loved one, then there are two possibilities. Either you are a normal, regular, sensible fucking person like me who got fucking vaccinated at the first possible moment, and this essay channels all your fucking rage and sadness and is therefore cathartic OR, and I really hope this isn’t the fucking case, you AREN’T fucking vaccinated, and someone sent it to you because you fucking fucking fuck, you need to get fucking vaccinated. And rather than being fucking offended that someone is trying yet again to get you to take the fucking vaccine, you should understand that someone fucking loves you enough to try one last motherfucking time to get you to take the fucking vaccine before you fuck off to heaven, or hell, or some in-between place that’s just like a fucking mall or something where everything is free, including and especially the soft pretzels. So, congratulations! There is ONE person remaining in your life who wants to fucking save you from drowning in your own fucking lungs, you fucking fuckshit fuckdick, so for god’s sake, get your fucking ass out of your chair, go to the fucking pharmacy, and get a fucking vaccine, you absolute conscienceless fucking fuck fuck fuck. Get it. Get the fucking vaccine. Fuck you. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck!

Until next time, this pretty much sums it up. So many people are following their asses and not science. Science has gotten us this far. For god sakes do research on the research being done. Oh and the FDA has approved the vaccine so what’s the excuse now?

Categories: COVID-19, Health, Ranting | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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