America the Broken

Dear America (the country),

What happened to you?

You used to be this beautiful shining star but your light has dimmed and parts of you, quite a lot of you actually have gone dull.

You were supportive of so many as I grew up, showing us wonders and telling us we could do whatever we could dream once we got old enough, got enough schooling and just plain tried. But now you’re turning your back on over 168 million of the people who call you home. And what about the 7.1% of the people who are finally free to truly express who they really are with joy and less fear then ever before? We still have a lot of work to be done for more than two-fifths of your people, and I thought we were going in the correct direction.

But you’re now going backwards. You’re now hurting more than you help. Why? What has made you change to hate so many for no reasonable reason?

Why does the hurting of people make so many stand on their feet and cheer? While they are in the halls that had been created to making things better? How is this better?! How is telling someone what they are allowed to do with their own body a good thing?

Have you become so delusional that you have forgotten how you came about to even exist? Have you, a country so filled with a rich and horrible history actually forgotten that very history? Or as a people are we just forever doomed to ruin by being forced to believe in other peoples delusions? Always forced to do things we either do not personally believe or just plain are not up to doing?

What changed? Or was I just always so blinded as a child, so drunk off the kool-aid that I just didn’t see the truth until I got older and tried to be what I dreamed, tried to get the schooling required and just kept trying.

I am scared.

Of you. My home, sweet home.

You have become so toxic. So hurtful. I can’t even stand to be near you. I am constantly in pain when I listen, watch and read about you. Of the things that is happening. Of the horribleness that is churning in your borders and in the hearts of so many old people who are somehow still dictating your accomplishments, or in reality the lack thereof.

How did you get here?

How do you go back to being the home that I love. The home I’d stand beside and help guide? The home I was once foolish enough to believe would always better itself.

November is coming.

I cannot forget come November that you are toxic. I need to do everything I can to change that. I am suppose to help make you better. I am not the only one. But it feels like I am.

I am not the only one who is scared. But I need to help change that. I can’t keep going like this. So many of us can’t. We need to do better.

Let’s do better.

My regards,


Categories: America, Emotional, Health, Heartbreak, History, United States | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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